Monday, November 07, 2005

Kabhie running.. Kabhie blocked.. *sniff sniff*

Its all about loving your nose.. No, its not the title of the latest Karan Johar film. Its the state of my nose.. bad joke i know.. my sense of humor has deteriorated beyond doubt. And it has got everything to do with the ensuing exams. I have lost more hair over the past 2 days than I'd have lost in a week. And the creases on my forehead have multiplied. And as far as my nose is concerned, its showing no signs of returning to a state of normalcy. And I, like a Kindergarten student, have been clutching on to this dear kerchief of mine. I have received more than my share of stares.. some out of pity.. some out of curiosity from all kinds of people. k nuff of ranting for a day.. will save some for tomorrow.. :D (especialy with me staring at the most dreaded exam of all time :( )

Coming to the examination front, wrote my first exam today. POPL.. At first I thought I had screwed up the exam very badly. But then the optimist in me took over. On afterthought the exam went quite well, considering the one hour preparation that I put in, courtesy the condition of my nose. As far as the POPL grade is concerned, I wont be surprised if I get a B or B-.. Being an optimistic helps ;). So the mood in my camp now is quite upbeat. But wouldn't dare try out a similar strategy for compilers, unless I really want to get screwed. Covering the entire portion seems to be a daunting task, what with barely 12 hours left for the exam. And to top it all, my nosey is not co-operating.. ** sniff**

Called up home.. talked to swat who has her own set of problems.. she was pretty pissed off at getting -ve marks in Physics AIEEE exam.. =)) guess its in the genes ;).. she scolded me for having performed well in AIEEE.. had a hearty laugh with mom shouting in the bg.. then mom got a bit senti when i told her that i might not be able to make it durin the sem hols.. sigh!!

hope to start preparation once I am done with this post.. am already feeling good :D.. blogging has come as a whiff of fresh air.. **deep breath**. And the quote of the day is..

If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.
--Muhammed Ali

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