Saturday, December 09, 2006


Technically speaking, today was Day-1 of IIIT-H placement. Two more days like this, and I'll resign from the placement committee. To sum up the events of the day in one word, horrendous.

PS1: I did promise to post more often. But its not my fault. One post was abandoned because Firefox performed an illegal operation. Who says firefox rocks!? x( And the other was shelved because it was an all-whining post.
PS2: A bad week.. experienced the worst day in quite some time. And by quite some time I mean at least 2-3 years!
PS3: I hate GAG.
PS4: DE Shaw backed out at the last moment. It was paying 9.2 odd! x(
PS5: Going home. I promise to post more often.
PS6: Frustrated. Depressed. But going home! :D
PS7: Lotsa friends are falling ill. Get well soon, people! My best wishes for a speedy recovery.. :D
PS8: GAG called just now with list of short-listed students for Connexant. Time to get back to work! :-<
PS9: Before I forget, henceforth peesu shall be addressed as P4 - Portal Player Placement Peesu.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was it horrendous ??

1:05 AM  
Blogger The optimist from utopia said...

I cant go into details.. :D
but its got nothing to do with placements.

11:19 AM  

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