Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dilbert and Asok

Recently, one of my friends had sent me this url, an article which mentioned about Asok, "one of the most famous (and yet fictional) IIT-ians" featured in dilbert's cartoon strips. I felt a sense of deja vu, so backtracked to IV's blog and found a similar comic strip on asok.

Dilbert's cartoon strips are very popular, especially in the corporate world. They are based on ways of the corporate world and high-pressure workplaces. Dilbert, written and drawn by Scott Adams, is featured in more than 2000 publications and generates almost $200 million every year. Now thats some revenue!!

Asok is portrayed as a smart guy, who is not quite adept at office politics. But at the same time, he is vested with a huge brain,"explosive" brain powers and tremendous energy needed to get into the IITs, .

In one strip, Asok says: "At the Indian Institute of Technology, I learned to use my huge brain."
"But I try not to frighten ordinary people with any gratuitous displays of mental superiority.
"For example," says Asok, "I no longer reheat my tea by holding it to my forehead and imagining fire." =))

Adams, referring to Asok, says,"I thought it would be a funny contrast to have Asok come from the most competitive school system in the world only to find out that intelligence doesn't always help in the workplace." Imagine if someone from IIIT was featured, huh? :-> Any opinions as to who must be THE ONE??

Will put up some more cartoon strips of Dilbert soon...


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